How to Make a Great Coffee with the Breville Bambino: Basic 8

The Breville Bambino is a fantastic entry-level espresso machine that balances simplicity with great results. To consistently make excellent coffee, we suggest this basic workflow:

1. Preparation: What you need!

✅ Freshly roasted coffee beans by Pastel Coffee

✅ A burr grinder (not a blade grinder / herb blender)

✅ A tamper (included with the Bambino)

✅ A scale (optional but highly recommended for repeatability)

✅ A milk jug (for milk-based drinks) and chocolate powder maybe

✅ Your favourite cup / mug / take away (Fressko or IOco)

2. Preheat the Machine & Portafilter

  • Turn on the Bambino and let it heat up, takes about 3 seconds!
  • Run a blank shot (through the empty portafilter) by pressing the single or double-shot button—this warms the portafilter and cup.

3. Grind & Dose the Coffee

  • Use an espresso-fine grind (similar to table salt).
  • Dose 15-16g of coffee in a double shot basket.
  • Use a scale to ensure consistency and a dry portafilter.
  • Use a double wall basket if you're new to this.

4. Distribute & Tamp

  • Even out the coffee grounds in the portafilter to prevent channeling.
  • Tamp firmly and evenly—apply steady pressure until the puck is level and compact. (takes a few goes to understand this)
  • Wipe off any excess coffee from the rim of the portafilter before loading it.

5. Insert & Brew

  • Lock the portafilter into place.
  • Select the double shot button and start timing. (image shows 1 shot to each cup)
  • Aim for about 25-28 seconds of extraction with for a double shot.
  • If your shot runs too fast or slow, adjust the grind size accordingly.

6. Steam Milk (If Making a Latte or Cappuccino)

  • Fill the milk jug to just below the spout.
  • Purge the steam wand briefly before use.
  • Submerge the steam tip just below the surface and start steaming.
  • Position the wand to create a whirlpool effect for silky microfoam.
  • Heat until the milk jug is warm to touch (~60°C/140°F).
  • Wipe and purge the steam wand after use.

7. Serve & Enjoy

  • If making a black coffee, stir the espresso slightly to balance flavors.
  • For milk drinks, swirl the milk jug before pouring for a smooth texture.
  • Pour a beautiful latte or add chocolate powder for a cappuccino.

8. Clean Up Immediately

  • Knock out the coffee puck and rinse the portafilter.
  • Wipe down the steam wand and run a short flush through the group head.
  • Keep your workspace clean to prevent bugs.

Final Tips for Better Coffee

✅ Use filtered water to prevent scale buildup and improved taste.

✅ Adjust grind size based on extraction time.

✅ Experiment with our different roasts to see which intensity you prefer.

By following this simple workflow, you're one step closer to getting delicious coffee from your own home / kitchen / tiny cafe / workspace!

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