French Press | Plunger | Cafetiere

A Short History of the French Press

The French Press, also known as a press pot or cafetière, was first patented in 1929 by Italian designer Attilio Calimani. However, similar brewing devices had been used/re-invented in France as early as the mid-1800s, which is why it retains the name "French Press." Over the years, its simple yet effective immersion brewing method has made it a favorite among coffee lovers worldwide. All debatable over coffee time. 

Pastel Coffee Freshly Roasted

Brewing Great Coffee with a French Press

1. Essential items

Before you start, ensure you have:
✅ A French Press (also called a cafetière)
✅ Freshly roasted Pastel coffee gourmet Arabica
✅ A burr grinder (if using wholebeans, recommended)
✅ Filtered water (for better taste)
✅ A kettle, or instant hot water
✅ A scale and timer (optional, but useful for consistency)

Pastel Coffee Freshly Roasted

2. Heat Your Water

  • Boil water and rest for 8-10 minutes about 95°C — just off the boil.
  • Preheat the French Press by swirling hot water inside and then discarding it.
  • We use the water directly from our Breville / Commercial Machine.
Pastel Coffee Freshly Roasted

3. Grind Your Coffee

  • Use a coarse grind (similar to couscous?).
  • Measure 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio (e.g., 20g coffee to 300g water).
Pastel Coffee Freshly Roasted DF64 Setting

4. Add Coffee & Start Brewing

  • Place ground coffee into the French Press.
  • Pour in about twice the coffee’s weight in hot water, saturating all grounds.
  • Let it "bloom" for 30 seconds, allowing gases to escape.
  • Slowly add the remaining water.

Pastel Coffee Freshly Roasted Blooming

5. Stir & Steep

  • Gently stir with a wooden or plastic spoon.
  • Place the lid on with the plunger pulled up.
  • Let steep for 4-5 minutes.
Pastel Coffee Plunger

6. Plunge & Serve

  • Press the plunger down slowly and steadily to separate grounds from liquid.
  • Pour immediately into a mug or carafe to prevent over-extraction.
Pastel Coffee Plunger

7. Enjoy & Clean Up

  • Sip and enjoy your rich, full-bodied coffee! 
  • Discard used grounds and rinse the French Press thoroughly.
  • Our plunger is designed to remove the inner filter for cleaning.

⚠️ Be careful when cleaning the glass, use a brush incase the glass is weakened from prolonged use. Usually, the inner filter can be unscrewed for cleaning.

Pastel Coffee Plunger

Final Tips for a Better French Press Coffee

Use freshly ground beans for the best flavour and aromas.
Adjust steep time to taste—longer for smoother coffee, shorter for brighter/lighter.
Try different roasts to find your perfect balance.

To have stronger flavour decrease the coffee-to-water ratio (ie. more coffee)

To have cleaner experience put it through a cloth filter or a pour over filter  

⛔P.S. Do don't brew with hot milk, brew with water then add milk / alternative milk.

We hope this simple Pastel Coffee workflow allows you to master the art of making a French Press coffee and enjoy a rich, flavorful cup every time!

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