Cold/Hot Brew Bags

Making a refreshing cold brew coffee is virtually next to instant with a modern twist. These Pastel Coffee designed Cold Brew Coffee Bags are a perfect preparation to the summery beach weather or for any camping occasion.

We have formulated these overnight Cold Brew Coffee Bags for a fast and simple coffee making experience. Simply find your takeaway cup or a favourite mug and steep one bag in the fridge overnight to brew a deliciously smooth and sweet cold brew coffee.

Optimal way to make our cold brew

  1. Place ONE Cold Brew Bag into 200ml - 300ml mug or cup.
  2. Add 200ml - 300ml of water at 25-30 degrees.
  3. Stir after 10minutes.
  4. Leave in the fridge overnight to brew (~ 8 - 12 hours).
  5. Remove from the fridge, give it a stir
  6. Remove cold brew bag, to add ice or milk.
  7. Enjoy the smooth and chocolatey experience.

Each cold brew bag has at least 12g of ground coffee.
It is a blend of the finest Arabica coffees, made up of Ethiopian and Brazilian coffee beans. Treat your senses to a fragrant, smooth and sweet coffee experience.